
Department Directory

Department Phone Number Fax Number E-mail Address Campus Location
Academic Advisement Center 516.572.7436   advisement@ncc.edu Student Services Center
Academic Affairs 516.572.7775   academicaffairs@ncc.edu 361 Rice Circle
Academic Assessment
& Program Review
516.572.8934   oapr@ncc.edu 349 Miller Ave.
Academic Senate 516.572.7292   academicsenate@ncc.edu Cluster F 3244
Academic Student Services 516.572.7600     Nassau Hall 6
Accounting & Business Administration 516.572.7544   accounting-business@ncc.edu Cluster A 3020
Accounts Payable 516.572.7300 516.572.7116 accountspayable@ncc.edu Tower 6th Floor
Achilles Project 516.572.7185
Ext. 25357
Adjunct Faculty Association 516.572.7294   afa@ncc.edu Tower 520
Admissions 516.572.7346   admissions@ncc.edu Student Services Center
Advance Success in Associate Pathways (ASAP) 516.572.7786   ASAP@ncc.edu Student Services Center
Equity, Inclusion, and Affirmative Action 516.572.7121   aao@ncc.edu 352 Harmon Ave
Africana Studies 516.572.7157   africana.studies@ncc.edu Building N 203
Allied Health Science 516.572.9640   Gary.klinger@ncc.edu Cluster E 2225
Alumni     alumni@ncc.edu  
Art 516.572.7162   art@ncc.edu
Building G 179
Art Gallery 516.572.5073   gallery@ncc.edu Tower, Plaza Level
Aspire 516.572.7506   Molly.ludmar@ncc.edu Nassau Hall (Bldg. M)
Athletics 516.572.7522     P Complex
Audio-Visual 516.572.7412     Z Building
Board Of Trustees 516.572.7208   BoardOfTrustees@ncc.edu Tower 10th Floor
Bookstore 516.572.7168    bookstore@ncc.edu Bookstore
Budget Office 516.572.9819 516.572.7116   Tower 6th Floor
Bursar 516.572.7325 516.572.8132 bursar@ncc.edu Student Services Center
Center for Educational Retention Counseling 516.572.7141   cerc@ncc.edu Nassau Hall 19
Center for Excellence and Innovation 516.572.3573   cei@ncc.edu 358 Davis
Center for Students with Disabilities 516.572.7241   CSDoffice@ncc.edu Building U
Center for Workforce Development 516.572.7487   CWD@ncc.edu 356 East Road
Chemistry 516.572.7580   chemistry@ncc.edu Life Science 220
Children's Greenhouse 516.572.7614  516.228.8104 childcare@ncc.edu Greenhouse
College Level Testing (CLEP) 516.572.9947   CLEP@ncc.edu 356 East Road
Communications 516.572.7170   communications@ncc.edu Building G 359
Computer Center 516.572.7174     Library 02
Corporate Credit Programs 516.572.7699   CWD@ncc.edu 356 East Road
Creative Writing Program 516.572.7185   CreativeWritingProgram@ncc.edu Bradley  Hall 218
Criminal Justice 516.572.7178   Robert.Costello@ncc.edu Building G 157
CSEA 516.572.8077   csea@ncc.edu F Cluster Room 2267
DANTES/DSST 516.572.9947   DSST@ncc.edu 356 East Road
Dean Of Students 516.572.7376   DeanOfStudents@ncc.edu CCB 312
Dean Of Instruction 516.572.7775
Ext. 25729
  Dawn.DiStefano@ncc.edu 361 Rice Circle

Design/Construction 516.572.9786   ¸Û°Ä±¦µäProjects NOT for a major Cluster F 2245
Dining Services 516.572.7001   nassaudining@compass-usa.com CCB
Distance Education 516.572.7883    distance.ed@ncc.edu 350 Ave. U
Drinking Driver Program 516.572.7201    DDP@ncc.edu 356 East Road
Early Childhood 516.572.7458    Diane.martin@ncc.edu  Cluster G 350
Economics & Finance 516.572.7181   economics-finance@ncc.edu Cluster G 155
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) 516.572.0607  


Tower 5
English 516.572.7185   english@ncc.edu Bradley Hall 13
Writing Center 516.572.7195   Wcenter@ncc.edu Bradley Hall
Writing Center Annex 516.572.3595   Wcenter@ncc.edu Library
Environmental Health & Safety 516.572.7781   ehs@ncc.edu 353 Harmon Ave. 2nd Fl
Facility Managers Office - renting space     events@ncc.edu Registrar - SSC
Faculty Student Association (FSA) 516.572.7143     CCB 200
Federal Grants for Faculty/Staff 516.572.7126     Cluster F 2243
Financial Aid 516.572.7396 516.572.7642 FinancialAid@ncc.edu Student Services Center
Foundation, NCC 516.572.0670   foundation@ncc.edu 364 Rice Circle
General Counsel (College Attorney) 516.572.7809 516.572.7750


359 Hazelhurst, 2nd Floor
Healthcare Administration, Health Information, Medical Coding, Medical Assistant & Administrative Business Technology 516.572.7288  


A 2023
Health, Physical Education & Recreation 516.572.7518   HPER@ncc.edu Physical Ed 218
Health Office 516.572.7123   HealthOffice@ncc.edu Student Services Center
History/Political Science/Geography 516.572.7422   history@ncc.edu Building G 257
Honors Program 516.572.7194   honorsprogram@ncc.edu North 106
Hospitality/Business 516.572.7344   hospitalitybusiness@ncc.edu Building K
Housekeeping 516.572.7104     Physical Plant
HPED-Intramurals 516.572.7683   intramural.sports@ncc.edu Physical Ed Complex
Human Resources 516.572.7759   HR@ncc.edu Tower 7th Floor
Information Services 516.572.7501   informationservices@ncc.edu Student Services Center
Information Technology Services 516.572.7222     Cluster F
ITS Help Desk 516.572.0629      
Institutional Research 516.572.7771     353 Harmon Ave.
International Ed/Travel 516.572.7053    isaoff@ncc.edu  
Jewish Studies Project  516.572.7185     Bradley Hall
SPD Employer Services 516.572.7132   sjobs@ncc.edu Nassau Hall 39
Language Center of Lifelong Learning (ESL) 516.572.7062   LC@ncc.edu 355 East Road
Library-Hours 516.572.7400   library@ncc.edu Library 201
Library-Acquisitions 516.572.7405     Library
Library-Cataloging 516.572.7407     Library
Library-Circulation Desk 516.572.7401     Library
Library-Information Commons 516.572.7408     Library
Library-Reserve Desk 516.572.7404     Library
Library-Chair's Office 516.572.7406   Katrina.Frazier@ncc.edu Library
Lifelong Learning 516.572.7472   ContinuingEducation@ncc.edu 355 East Road
Mail Services 516.572.7804     Physical Plant
Marketing, Retailing, Fashion Buying & Merchandising, Fashion Design & Interior Design 516.572.7588   marketing-retailing@ncc.edu Cluster B 2037
Marketing-Communications – (Administrative – Outside Media – news/radio) 516.572.9634   marketing-communications@ncc.edu Tower 11th Floor
Matching Funds/Grants 516.572.7126     Cluster F 243
Material Control 516.572.7217     Physical Plant
Math, Comp. Science, Info. Technology, Engineering/Physical Science 516.572.7383   math@ncc.edu Building B 3028
Mortuary Science 516.572.7277   mortuaryscience@ncc.edu 357 East Road
Multidisciplinary Program 516.572.7185     Bradley Hall 13
Music 516.572.7446   music@ncc.edu Building V 102
NCCFT 516.572.7198   nccft@ncc.edu Building F 3293
Nursing 516.572.9630   nursing@ncc.edu Life Science 319
Office of International Student Services 516.572.7053   isaoff@ncc.edu Adms. Office - SSC
Office Of The President 516.572.7205   PresidentsOffice@ncc.edu Tower 10th Floor
Parking Permits 516.572.7100     Public Safety
Payroll 516.572.7310 516.572.7622   Tower 7th Floor
Philosophy 516.572.7450   philosophy@ncc.edu Nassau Hall 217
Physical Education Complex
Team Info
Sports Info
  Kerriann.mctiernan@ncc.edu - director Physical Ed 214
Physical Plant
(Grounds, HVAC & Auto Maintenance)
516.572.7677     Physical Plant
Placement Testing 516.572.7780   PlacementTesting@ncc.edu Student Services Center
Placement Testing - ESL 516.572.0172      
Plaza Art Gallery 516.572.9699      
Printing & Publications 516.572.7515     SH Basement
Procurement Office 516.572.7300   Procurement@ncc.edu Tower 4th Floor
Public Safety 516.572.7100   PublicSafety@ncc.edu Public Safety Office
Radio Station – WHPC  516.572.7438   whpc@ncc.edu H Basement
VA Certifying Officials


Student Services Center
Senior Observer Program 516.572.7200   ced@ncc.edu 355 East Road/Tower Plaza Level
Student Activities 516.572.7148   studentactivities@ncc.edu CCB 150
Student Financial Affairs 516.572.7326   bursar@ncc.edu  Student Services Center
SGA (Student Gov. Assoc.) 516.222.7075     CCB 150
Student Personnel Services 516.572.7506   StudentPersonnelServices@ncc.edu Nassau Hall 11
TASC (GED) Testing 516.572.7667   GED@ncc.edu 356 East Rd
Theatre & Dance 516.572.7508   throff@ncc.edu Theatre
Transfer Office 516.572.7127   transfer@ncc.edu Nassau Hall 4
Veteran Affairs 516.572.9775   veterans@ncc.edu  
Weekend College 516.572.3554     355 East Road
Women's Studies 516.572.7082   Darshna.Katwala@ncc.edu 351 Harmon Avenue
Workforce Training 516.572.7487     356 East Road
Work Study Program 516.572.7396   fws@ncc.edu Student Services Center
World Languages and Cultures 516.572.7414   wlc@ncc.edu Building M 300

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